Tuesday, October 16, 2018

joint pain and swelling in nagpur

joint pain treatment in Nagpur
True joint pain is known as arthralgia and it may or may not go together with joint inflammation or arthritis. Pain that seems to be originating from the joints may sometimes originate from other bodily structures such as ligaments, tendons or muscles. Bursitis and tendinitis are examples of disorders that originate from structures outside the joints.
Different joints are affected by different disorders. This is the reason why doctors would treat pain affecting a single joint differently than pain in more than one joint. When multiple joints are involved, it is quite possible that both joints on either side of the body are affected (for example, either both knees or both shoulders). This is called symmetric arthritis. In other disorders, the pain moves from joint to joint and is known as migratory arthritis.

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Ayurveda Join Pain Treatment Center India, Joint pains affect people all over the globe. Knee problems considered as normal after a certain age. All knee problems are not always a product of aging bones. Instead, it can result from knee injuries. The nature of the pain depends on the underlying cause. Patients often report a dull pain in and around the  knee
Best joint pain treatment in Nagpur. This can really immobilize you if not taken care of.
The side effects of this globally dreaded condition range from mild achy joints to stiff fingers, bone erosion to immobilization. Conventional medicine has not really been fully effective in treating arthritis or its symptoms. A lot of people has turned to the science of Ayurveda to find impressive results from non-medical knee joint pain treatment.

Symptoms of Joint Pain

The main symptom of this disease is severe pain in the affected joints. The tissues in and around the joints become inflamed and movement of the joint becomes extremely painful. Untreated arthritis may lead to permanent deformity of the affected joints.
  • Fever
  • Immense pain and stiffness in affected muscles, especially stiffness and pain (i.e., fingers, wrists, elbows, knees, ankles) in the morning
  • Excruciating pain and stiffness in the joints
  • Redness of joints, tiny red spots on the skin
  • Loss of range of motion
  • Locking or popping of the joint
  • Weakness and fatigue
  • Limping
  • Cramps and tics in muscles
  • Warm or hot joints
  • Pain or discomfort worsened by prolonged sitting or standing
  • Bruising or discoloration
  • Inability to bear weight

Ayurveda and Joint Pain

Joint pain is known as Sandhi Shoola according to Ayurveda.
Causes include both internal and external factors. According to Ayurveda, joint & muscle pains are caused by the aggravation of Vata dosha (Air + Space biohumor). Ama associated with Vata quickly moves to different parts of the body and accumulates where circulation is sluggish or slow such as the hands, knees and other bone joints, filling the blood vessels with a waxy material. It is also more common in an old age when Vata naturally increases in the body.
The other type of joint problem occurs due to Kapha dosha (biohumor related to Earth and Water). Kapha governs the lubrication and structural aspects of the body. The heavy and cold qualities of Kapha affect the joints which feel stiff and dense. This kind of joint issue is commonly observed during cold, wet weather especially around spring (Kapha season). In time, the toxins (ama) mix with the natural lubricants in the joints to form a sticky, toxic substance that hampers mobility and upsets circulation. Finally, the structure of the joints and bones start to get damaged. Any changes in the morphology of the joints then the problem becomes more difficult to treat.
joint pain solution center in Nagpur
Meats, foods such as ice cream, excessively concentrated dairy such as aged cheese or goods of sour cream or cheese, cold foods especially taken during cold weather, heavy cakes, pastries and candies, packaged and processed foods with little fiber are the main dietary causes. Gas-producing vegetables and legumes also create more internal air which moves the toxins to different parts to worsen the condition. This ama blocks tissue pores and passages. It causes heaviness and weakness of the heart which becomes the seat of the disease.

1 comment:

  1. I read your article about ayurvedic treatment for knee pain . For more information about various types of ayurvedic treatment consult with Dr Sharda Medilife Ayurveda Clinic .
